Joining Midway

We are delighted to hear that you’re interested in joining Midway! We also understand if you have questions regarding what you can write about. The general answer to that question is that you can write about anything, however, you may need further guidance.

The Arts

Art is one of the best forms of self-expression. No matter its form, art is designed to make us feel something, to see ourselves in its reflection and to realise something new about ourselves.

At Midway, we appreciate all art. We love paintings and drawingsillustrationscreative writing – whether that is poetry or prose – as well as photography, but we also love make-upgamesfilm and fashion.

We welcome your creations for any of these categories, and you are more than welcome to talk about your own projects and designs! The point is to be as self-reflective and personal as possible.

We can’t wait to see what you come up with!

Thoughts & Talks

Sharing our thoughts with the world can be a scary thing, yet there is nothing worse than letting the worries of people misunderstanding or disagreeing with you eat you up from the inside.

Sharing who we are and what we are thinking of is more of a blessing than a curse; people can agree or relate and feel comforted knowing that they are not alone as a result. There is a lot that can go right and there are a lot of lives that can be positively influenced.

The thoughts section is designed for sharing anything that comes to or has been on your mind. Think of it as a public diary entry. It doesn’t need to be perfect or polished, if it’s a stream of consciousness, then so be it! Please remember, though, that coherence is still important here.

The talks section isn’t much different from the thoughts section. However, instead of venting and sharing your thoughts and feelings on anything that pops up in your mind, the talks section is meant for starting important conversations through the sharing of personal stories, experiences or guidance.

These don’t necessarily have to be your own; if you know anyone (whether that is a family member or a friend) who would like to share a piece of themselves with the world, feel free to write about them! With their consent, of course.

At Midway, we want to make sure everyone gets their voice heard.

How to join

If you would like to join Midway, please either get in touch with us through the Contact section found on our page or through social media.

We will be in touch with you about the next steps. We are looking forward to hearing from you!

**Writing for Midway is unpaid!

Featured Image Credit: Cafe Terrace at Night by Vincent Van Gogh